Essentials of Tortoise Medicine and Surgery Raftery A and Chitty J due 2013
Avian Anaesthesia (review article) In Practice 2013
BSAVA Poultry manual Due to be Published 2013 Editor and Author of 3 chapters
Will cover the medicine and surgery of back yard poultry including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl and ornamental pheasants.
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Imaging, Surgery and Dentistry: Due to be Published 2013
Wrote the chapters
• Radiographic interpretation of the Skull
• Sinus diseases, Medical and Surgical approach
• (co wrote) Ear surgery
Clinical Veterinary Advisor Exotic Pets Edited by Donnelly T and Vella D
Due for Publishing 2013 2 chapters written,
• Rabbit Cardiovascular Disease
• Rabbit Coccidiosis
British Chelonian Group Northern Symponism Presentation on parasite host relationships in chelonian November 2012
Rabbit Welfare Conference 2012 September Rabbit cytology masterclass co-presented with Sergio Silveretti
Reptile Medicine and Surgery Excel CPD continuing education course (lecturing)
Rabbit Welfare Conference 2011 Surgery of the Rabbit Ear
Finn laboratories Exotic Medicine Course 2011 June (Day lecturing on Exotic animal Medicine and Surgery covering rabbits ferrets guinea pigs and other mammals, snakes, lizards and tortoises and birds with special emphysis on parrots and birds of prey)
Reptile Orthopaedics 2011 Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 107-116
Royal Veterinary College, London, visiting lecturer to final year students covering Primate Medicine and Surgery, Ferret Medicine and Surgery and the Medicine and Surgery of Sugar Gliders and Degus
BVZS Pre BSAVA Conference April 2010 Birmingham Clinical Management of Ferrets p 7 – 12
BVZS Pre BSAVA Conference April 2010 Birmingham Clinical Management of Sugar Gliders and Degus p 13 – 18
BVZS Pre BSAVA Conference April 2010 Birmingham Clinical Management of Degus p 19 – 20
2008 BVZS Conference proceedings Water quality and related disease of fish p38
BSAVA Raptor Passerine and Pigeon manual
Lapis publications
• Rabbit cardiology
• Rabbit wound management
• Bordetella bronchiseptica infections in rabbits
• Overview of rabbit surgical techniques
• Sarcoptic mange in the rabbit
• Rabbit radiology of the skull and dentition
• Rabbit coccidiosis
BSAVA Metropolitan Rabbit Rodent and Ferret Continuing Education course. Joint lecturers Aidan Raftery and John Chitty. September 2007
BVZS/ Rabbit Welfare joint conference at Bristol University, November 2006
An overview of rabbit otitis – more than just Psoroptes; Joint lecture Aidan Raftery & John Chitty p 35 of the proceedings
Masterclass in Rabbit skull radiography taught at the BVZS Nov 2005 Conference in the Royal Veterinary College. Co- presented by Aidan Raftery and Molly Varga
BSAVA Psittacine manual Triage Critical care and Clinical Examination chapter 2005
Glasgow University Zoological Society lecture January 2005 Avian Clinical Examination
BSAVA North West Division lecture series spring 2004 Applied Avian Examination and Critical Care
Avian Triage BVZS November 2004 Conference proceedings p 16 -17
Avian Orthopaedics wet lab with Michael Lierz BVZS Conference at Edinburgh Zoo Nov 2002
Avian surgery basics lecture at the BVZS Conference at Edinburgh Zoo Nov 2002
Ferret vaccination Aidan Raftery, Catherine Roach &
Brian Catchpole BVZS November 2002 Conference proceedings
2002. Pet Owner’s Guide to the Bearded Dragon Ringpress Publishing.
2001. Occult Blood Testing in Rabbits. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society autumn meeting. pp53.
2001. Serum Cholinesterase Measurement. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society autumn meeting. pp41.
2001. Chelonian Diagnostics Y2K and Beyond. Testudo 5(3): 16-22
2001. Dysecdysis in a Mygalomorph spider. Veterinary Invertebrate Society Newsletter. 2(17): 17-22.
2000. Feather Mutilation in Psittacine Birds. Presented to the North of England Veterinary Exotic Animal Society.
2000. Chelonian Diagnostics Y2K and Beyond. Presented to the British Chelonia Group Northern Symposium.
1999. Gut motility disorders in Rabbits. Presented to the Northern Conference of the British House Rabbit Society
1998 Rabbit nursing techniques. Veterinary Practice Nurse 10(2) 15-17
1998. Dealing with uterine cancer. Rabbiting On (Journal of the British House Rabbit Association). Autumn 1998: pp6.